Sunday, September 5, 2010

I missed me.

I never used to be lazy. I used to wake up with the sun, have morning yoga in my yard, eat a big breakfast, write every morning, go to school and enjoy the beauty of the day. Life was easy and simple.

But somehow I managed to fuck up everything about me. I became lazy. I drink all of the time (which I used to do as well, but productively). I mindlessly flip channels all night long. I spend all of my time at the same bar with the same people in the same, useless place. It's a real downer.

Thankfully, I managed to spend the night with one of my closest friends who, incidentally, is also part muse. We haven't really spoken in 4 or so years. He moved south for a while and I got wrapped up in doing nothing with my life. It really is a full time job to be a piece of shit. But, like all good friends, time means nothing. We picked up exactly where we left off. The beer flowed with the music and laughter. We spent all night with guitars, making poor attempts at recalling drunk songs we wrote in another life. Surprised to learn that we knew all of the words to one or two. The night was a success.

But the best part was the roof.

We ninja'd our way up some closet and through crawl spaces to finally make it to the roof of the building. The entire Wilkes-Barre skyline was illuminated.

Then, something amazing happened. For the first time in my entire life I didn't hate the town I lived in. It had this depressed beauty about it. And looking around at all of the familiar landmarks of the town I realized that this town made me who I am. Each location that was the setting of a major event in my life was in view. This put a smile on me.

So the night ended and I woke up this morning with a slight hangover and a fresh look at myself. I feel like me again, and there is nothing more refreshing in life then remembering who you are.

Monday, March 15, 2010


Well, St. Patty's was a success. I know this because today could have been one of the longest, most hungover days of my life. I can't remember last time I drank that much. A friend of mine, who I see at the bar nightly, told me it was the first time I actually looked drunk. On the plus side, props to me for managing to drink all day and survive the entire next.

But enough about my crying liver.

I spoke to my friend in Philadelphia about coming for a visit. And dig this, he had a brilliant idea for a Wes Anderson themed party. Everyone has to come as their own idea for a character that could be in a film, dressed in his style, and we are going to shoot the party and cut it like a Anderson movie. I hope it happens.

There's no food in my house.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Fresh Start

Good evening, my new blog!

Let's be frank. I drink too much, I smoke too much, I never sleep well, I don't live up to my own standards and my ambitions and goals have fallen quite far to the wayside. It's time for a change.

This blog will be a mixture of personal updates on creative projects, something to keep me on track to a better existence, keeping up with friends and bitching about life.

Of course, this all starts after St. Patty's day weekend. Speaking of which, I think I'm slacking in my duty as an 85% Irishman. Jameson, here I come.